Monday, June 14, 2010

Silly and funny!

Silly and funny!

Q: What did the lonely banana say?

A: I'm a"kela".

Q: What did the green peas say?

A: Nothing. They just "mutter"Ed.

Q: What did the potato say when it answered the phone ?

A: "Aaloo? "

Q: Where do cauliflowers hang out?

A: In the Gobi desert.

Q: What did the flower say to its girl-friend?

A: Why do "phools" fall in love?

Q: What did the fat car say?

A: I`m a "mota"car.

Q: What did the confused egg say?

A: I don't "unda"-stand.

Q: What do shrimps sing on Christmas?

A: "Jhinga" Bells.

Q: What did the half eaten naan say?

A: I wish I was "puri".

Q: What did the lonely potato sing?

A: "Aaloo lonesome tonight?"

Q: What language do carrots speak?

A: Gajar-ati.

Q: What do you call an almost bald poet?

A: I-bal.

Dis ij DA funkiest...

Q: What did the first pizza slice say to the other pizza slice so it would move?

A: Pizza - "HUT"


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